2 In Blogging

Hello people of the world!

(Aaaargh! First post, so I really don’t know how this works yet!)

Here I am! My own blog! Just like loads of everyone everywhere! Hooray!

I am trying to get myself sorted and organised first (before I can organise you!), so bear with me! #excited

In the meantime, let me just quickly tell you why I’m here.

I figured I am really good at having loooooads of things at home and still make it look like I’m more tidy and organised than I really am.  So I realised that all those years of mom yelling “Tidy your room!!!” actually worked! And between her, my grandma, my other grandma, aunts, cousins and, of course, the internet, I actually think I have something to share with you guys!

I am based in London, therefore if you think you need help organising your things please give me a shout!

We all know how daunting it is to finally have the courage to organise that wardrobe full of stuff we love, stuff we hate and stuff we really don’t know what to do with it!

Wouldn’t it be easier to do it with someone else? Like, I don’t know… Me? Then let’s do it together!

Hello there! It's me, Millia!

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  • Reply
    Alexandra Meireles
    13th February 2016 at 11:35 pm

    Go Girl!! A fantastic organiser who helped me tidy up my closet kingdom 😉

    • Reply
      14th February 2016 at 12:40 am

      Thank you Alexandra. It was a lot of fun working with you! And it all fit! 😀

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